Disrupt Your Day Podcast

Draw Your Power from Adversity and Loss | S2 : Ep 5

Amy Jorgensen Season 2 Episode 5

Draw Your Power from Adversity and Loss

Tune in today for our Fifth Episode of Season 2 when Petula Sankarsingh, VisionReady CEO and Disrupt Your Day Host, chats with Amy Jorgensen, Founder of Blocked Emotions Energy Healing where she imparts her strength, wisdom, and knowledge to guide others through hardships in life.

 Following the conventional college education path to the most enthralling job as a pilot in the Air Force, Amy was raising the bar for women wanting to pursue their dreams fearlessly.

 "Joining the military was my first taste of getting into a gender-oriented field," recounts Amy. "When you show up and the others realize that the person in charge is female, they expect you to prove to them that you can run this crew. If you’re a guy, they don’t care if you’re incompetent, but if you’re a woman, you’re held to a higher standard."

 On her journey, Amy learned firsthand how gender bias shows up in all aspects of life, how to stand up for herself, how to survive the pain of loss, and how to rise above the artificial standards that society imposes on our true nature. It was a journey that eventually helped Amy to awaken and celebrate her authentic self, and it aligned her with her purpose and passion.

 "Our biggest trials and our most difficult suffering bring us the greatest growth," says Amy. There’s so much to unpack from this podcast and we’re sure it will be one of your favorites from Disrupt Your Day.
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~Petula Sankarsingh

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Welcome everyone to disrupt your
day season 2 to emerging business culture.

I am your host Petula Sankarsingh
And today, we're speaking with Amy. 

Amy is a veteran with the Air Force.

She also has worked in a corporate
setting and today, she's going to dive into to what?

How Society views women the injustice.

Within both of those areas and.

she's going to be as honest and

She can be so excited to hear about.

what her experience, as a woman
in business, as an Air Force pilot.

and, you know, in the corporate
setting as well. Hi, Amy, welcome.

Thanks for having me. It's great
to be here. Yes.

We're happy to have.

You were excited about our season
2 and we would love to hear

from you and your thoughts on your
experiences as a woman.

Yeah, so I did.

traditional kind of went to high

went to college and then I decided
to join the military.

So that was kind of my first taste
of getting into a really.

Gender oriented field not only
did I go into the military, but I was a pilot. 

And so the ratio of men to women
for Pilots is really it's about.

I think at the time if I recall
right there was like 5,000.

total pilots and I think that less
than 10% of them were female. So,

you know, as much as everyone's
like, oh we're living in this world of equality. I would say that. Yes,

I Definitely ran across certain
individuals that were 100%.

Like I totally believe that you
are just as capable as any of

my peers that doing your job, but
then, there were definitely other people that I mean,

I had someone tell it to me like
this, this way that really made sense. They were like, you know,

I think you're great at what you
do, but you need to know that

we always flew with different people.
And so.

this, this other, That Commander,
that was a male. He was like, just so, you know,

it's just the way it is. Like,
I don't know how to tell you that, it never will be. But when you show up,

and they realize that you are a
female and that the are the person

in charge of this entire mission
is female.

They expect you to show them and
prove to them that you can run this crew.

If you were a guy it would just
be that. Hey dude, what's up? No. One would know,

one would care know if you were

Incapable of taking this crew and
doing a mission.

No one's really going to think
anything of it. But like, your

whole you're held to this like,
higher standard.

And so, I mean, I would say that
was the thing that I saw the most.

I didn't necessarily feel like
I was treated poorly or anything like that.

I just feel like it was more of
like, prove yourself and thank goodness.

I only ran into only ran into one
instance where I was, like, come again. When.

I was doing a simulator.

So we have these super cool big
simulators that are these big lips,

big giant boxes and they're up
on this huge platform and they're

in this huge building and they
actually move so you can fly them...

...and the Sim instructors were
all like older retired guys that. So, you know,

they came from me even further
back generation as far as tradition goes,

but I remember really struggling
with one of my instructors who was like, oh, yeah.

This exercise is hard for you because
you're a female and you

so airplanes have Rudders airplanes
have letters that you have to push on. And when they fail,

one of your engines the whole physics

It makes the airplane really turning
you have to use your legs

to keep it straight and he was
like because you're a female,

your leg is just not strong enough.

So this is really hard for you
and the gentleman that was the

gentleman that was flying with

He was supposed to be one of my

He was teaching me and So we were
flying this them together,

and he just sat back like why this
guy said that and I was like, losing my mind.

I was trying to maintain a level
of professionalism.

But, you know, I think that something
that I really learned was hmm.

No one's going to, no one's going
to do it for you and no one's

going to stand up for you.

So you got to stand up for yourself
and it can be, it can be hard because if you like,

I reported him and his behavior
that I thought was inappropriate to,

you know, his leadership, but whether
or not anyone ever did anything, and I don't really care.

I just don't want to ever be placed
with him as an instructor again, but there's definitely like that.

That's scary. Thought of like,
well, if If I say something, yeah, and I'm going to be, you know,

like your the book.

and I think that that's the fear
that most women feel and especially like, you know,

I mean congratulations to become
a pilot.

I heard is one of the hardest things
to do.

Yeah. Congratulations on that,
but even let's say in the corporate setting, Ate.

a lot of women, they want to be
in that sea level, or the c-suite or Advance or, you know,

but they're so afraid to speak
their mind to have a voice because

they feel like there's going to
be a backlash. Oh, yeah,

probably. The worst situation I

Got placed into was actually recent
and it was at my corporate my corporate job,

so, So the place that I work is
very is like a smaller segment

of a huge corporation and we had.

a culture kind of shift when they
hired a specific new guy.

And you can see how like if you
look back over it.

You can see over the course of
like 3 years. He was grooming the females,

like you can totally see it, but
you can also see that a lot

of people just tolerated and if
you brought it up they were like That's just him.

That's just that's just how he
is, but it was like you couldn't,

you couldn't go to a meeting without
him like mentioning his genitals.

And so then it got to the point
where it was like wait a minute. Why are? Why is the the head?

Highest guy of this planet is in
the meeting hearing list and

no one's doing anything or you
would be in a meeting where HR was in there and, you know, they were hearing it.

So then how do you dare say anything?

And so.

it kind of I've actually got completely
blown up because my son...

...started working at the same
place as me.

And this specific person decided
to put his hands on my arm and

get like all like close to me to
talk to me and my child 5.

And so I think it was a little
eye-opening for all of us because

it got brought up at dinner and
then of course, it was like, what's going on at work?

And my husband knew right away.
It was like, oh it's that guy again.

And I really sat I sat there for
a minute and I was like, wait a minute.

This is not how I want my son to
portray me thinking that, like, my mom's. Okay,

with stuff like this going on.

And he started seeing it with other
females and I finally reported him.

But in doing so I actually had
a phone conversation with my previous boss,

who had worked with this gentleman
as well, for a little bit

and she had moved up and got a
job at a different corporate company, but she said to me,

I hope you realize what you're
doing because you're You're really,

really shooting yourself in the
leg right now, as far as your...

...position and job goes because
what, you know, you you could...

...suffer for this like career-wise
and I said to her because...

...she had made a comment about
something to you about some of

the people that I had just spoken
about were her friends and I said,

you should really get new friends,

one of my female mentors was like,
oh, it's not as bad.

You're making it out to be. And
I mean, of course, of course,

once I raised my hand and I was
like, I'm done and we actually, you know, here's another thing.

Like if this is happening to anybody
or any of you that are watching,

you don't have to tolerate it,
but don't sit back.

If the people like in your local
vicinity or doing nothing. Yeah, Google, we Googled the legal,

the head legal person in the company,
like the highest legal...

...person in this group of region,
and we called him. And we're like,

you need to know this is going
on, and it was within, like two hours.

They had taken care of it, because
they didn't know the people

in my local plant were hiding it
all anyways, for people got...

...released from their positions
and it created a huge uproar. But you know what,

we don't have to deal with them
anymore. And, you know, I was I was threatened by h.r.

I got told that I might get fired
for what I was doing and I got him fired and said, oh my God.

Is that amazing success story and
I love it. Oh my God, thank you.

So that's going to lead me into
my question for you.

One of the questions I have. So
with that being said, because, you know,

I feel like that is steps for making
change, right? Yeah.

So what work do you think that
needs to be done for change in both settings, you know,

within the military as well as
you know.

It seems like the corporate study
was actually worse for you.

with, you know, because you said
that, everyone is just like, oh, it's just him. Even the females were like, why did you do that?

Do you realize what you're doing
to yourself? You know, we as...

...females we we have a voice but
we just need to be heard, you know,

I don't be afraid to be heard.
So, what do you think it needs to be changed? I mean,

Dante for her change to happen.
You know, it gets into that Lake, really slippery place.

And to be honest with you.

I try to be really open-minded
so I can definitely pull sides

of every situation because I mean,
I don't want to be in an uncomfortable

work place either where I'm like,
oh if I accidentally say a cuss word,

am I going to get fired today?
Yeah. Yeah, but also people shouldn't have to tolerate certain things.

And so here's kind of how I view

It's like if you do something or
say something,

And I tell you like, hey, I'm not
comfortable with that.

I don't appreciate the way that
you just touched my shoulder...

...or the comment that you just
made to me. That's good communication.

Then that person has an opportunity,
right? I didn't just like, run out and say,

get rid of this bag is that so
I think it goes both ways like communicate yourself. Like,

if you don't feel comfortable with
someone doing that and then document, everything.


things are going to just magically
change, but if You get yourself

into a situation where you are
in a spot where someone has been

doing something and you haven't
been documenting. It. It makes it really,

really difficult for you to tread
the water because that's that's just how it is. And you know, so just yeah,

my my advice is have a voice.

and and stand up for yourself,
but don't don't if don't be afraid

of saying like hey enough is enough.
I'm not going to tolerate.

Eat this and definitely get it
always document it with your HR, but document, it yourself because, yeah,

we found out we found out when
this issue was going on with our corporate company.

Our HR guy was best friends with
a guy that we were having a...

...problem with and so he had no
records of any of us ever talking to him, which is why,

which is why eventually he out,
he got will not eventually.

He also got let go with the same
person because there were people

that were keeping documented records
and he was like, oh I never talk to them so, you know, It document document, right?

And, you know, have a place like
I understand what you said there, you know,

don't sit back and let it happen
to you, you know, start document

and definitely have a voice but
you know, and all settings.

You have to have some sort of like
decorum, you know, some sort of like way of, you know, like you said,

you're not going to just be cousin

certain thing that's gonna get
you in trouble. Obviously, you know, it's corny. Just to stay professional.

But when people do cross the line,
definitely definitely document and have a voice. Thank you for that. So Amy,

so what is something people seem
to misunderstand about? You.

understand about me? Yeah,

I would definitely say that I have
a very like, I do energy,

healing and energy working on this

It's my passion. I love my corporate
job, but my passion is energy work,

and I definitely think that I own
it authentically. And I, if I were to label myself,

I would call myself the bipolar
healer because honestly, I am

the nicest sweetest person and
I will help anyone, but at the same time, if you crossed me wrong, I'm like, burn the village. We're Gonna Fill each. No, prisoners.

People woke the Beast.

Like, ya know that if you're a
Game of Thrones person, right,

so I just I'm just unapologetically

And I mean I just I I mean I can
you can see right like my personality is me. I own my inner child. I love,

I love myself and I will never
let anyone take that away from

me and sometimes I feel like people
don't understand that. Like, I'm yeah, I'm not here to people. Please anyone anymore. Yeah. Oh good for you. Love it.

So what is The failure that you
most cherish.

Ooh, failure that I most cherish.

I would say when I was a pilot.

We have to take these, we have
to take these things called check-raise.

So you go through all your training
and then you fly with us...

...examiner and basically go through
all this stuff that you're

supposed to show them that you
can do. And.

it's pretty,

it's pretty competitive. Be amongst
Pilots like failing.

Your checkride is really not something
you. Right.

And so I had been going through
like all of my training when I was in college,

and I remember the I failed one
of my check rides and it was for something really. Because isn't it?

Usually something we look back

It was something really that I
never done before.

I just let the stress get to me
and I did something and.

I really beat myself up over it
and I was so upset that I failed

this checkride and it was a great
learning experience for Or

me because I realized like knows
it's not what this is about. This isn't about. Oh,

I've never felt anything or ever
felt my checkride.

It really taught me to like look
at it.

And I think it helped like the
examiner because the thing that I did,

which usually when you don't when
you don't pass the check, right? Because you're flying a plane,

it's going to be something related
to safety and the thing that

I did and he explained it well
and he said, I'm gonna fail you

because I never want you to really
do that in real life because you would die,

and I was like, whoo, touche like
that. Really good. And so we was like,

I want you to take this as a learning
like you're never ever

going to do what you just did again.
And so ultimately,

you know, it's really great to
look at like, did I really it's

fail at something or I learned
from something, something you could really I, like when, you know, they say failure is good. Right,

but I would like when it comes
out where you can actually cherish that experience.

You and yours turned out to be
just like that. Thank you for sharing that.

So I have one more question for
you and I will dive into what you're doing now.

So if you could go back 5 years
in your life, what advice would you give yourself?

So five years ago was really a
bad spot for me.

I'm I was in a really horrifying
a place.

I had just lost my husband and
then I also.

not too long. After that.

I ended up losing my daughter.
So I mean, so sorry. Yeah, I would say.

if I were to go back and just I
mean, honestly, give myself a...

...hug and just tell myself like
you can and you will make it

through this because those were
some pretty dark moments for me.

And I is we'll probably talk about
in a second.

Like I got really lost trying to
do the, hey, I'm going to therapy and I'm taking medication.

So why do I not feel like I can
get my stuff together because I came from, you know,

this being a pilot and having my
life all together to basically crashing and burning. So.

I would just tell myself not to
give up like there is a path

and a purpose and I was on it.

I just didn't realize that the
moment that I was on it, but sometimes you know,

our biggest trials and our most
suffering brings us the greatest growth. Yeah. Oh my goodness.

Thank you for sharing that with
us. Whoo.

Definitely touched my heart.

and to see here today, being so
brilliant. You're, you know,

you can just tell the Resilience
and the grit and the powerful personality.

So tell us your bio is amazing,
you know, from, you know, being...

...part of So currently your current,
your founder of blocked emotions, right? You.

work for a Fortune 500 company.

You have a very diverse background.
You're a pilot. I mean, there's so much great stuff,

but Just dive into what your journey
holds now and what you're...

...enjoying doing and talk about
your business. Yeah, so when I got really lost emotionally,

I accidentally came across to energy
work and I have a traditional...

...religious background and so
it didn't really feel like the right fit for me. And then out of desperation.

I just kept looking into it and
I started realizing like all

of the stuff throughout my life
that I was taught by my parents who loved me.

And the school system had really
like squashed my true personality.

And so when I started really healing
from the inside, and realizing who my I thought,

who my authentic self was not trying
to be someone for everyone else.

I started being able to help other

And then I realized really quickly
that like, wow, I can only

have so many sessions with people
a day.

I only have so much time. So then
I started teaching, which I

would say is definitely my passion
and I was able to then incorporate

that into creating my purpose which
was watching other people...

...start to love their authentic
self because we all know and

it's I see it all the time.

Like I'll meet people and they
Look, like they've got it all...

...together and then behind closed
doors or like, so I hate my spouse. We don't sleep together, my kids in jail, you know,

my dog got hit by a car yesterday.
Look, we're all just dealing

with so much stuff and I'm like,
just let it go. Bring it out. Let it go.

So helping people through like
they're messy, messes is definitely my purpose.

And so that's what I do now and
I expanded.

and took all of the stuff that
I've learned like the As of dollars

that I've invested learning how
to do what I do and I created a soul centered Academy. So now other people can, you know,

purchase a course and learn to
do what I do and.

it's just awesome.

It's awesome getting messages or
emails from people telling me like, oh my gosh, you know,

I didn't even be 100% honest, but
when I first met you I you know, really wanted to you know,

some other myself in a pillow and
now I'm so happy and it's just it's awesome.

Like there's nobody Feeling when
watching people go through that transformation.

Oh, that's amazing. What you seem
like. You have an amazing.

business, amazing Direction and
you're helping others.

That's always a passion of mine
as well.

Are you also do something called
human design chart, correct? Hmm. Yeah,

tell us what that is because I
don't think a lot of people know about that.

You're human design.

It's like your soul blueprint and
a lot of people are into like astrology,

which is really is actually part
of the human design. But you know, when you're doing astrology,

there's like Twelve Gates that
we Face ourselves in and so I

don't know about you but like if
I read my horoscope, I'm like, okay like yeah,

I can see some of that. Yeah, we
do. Yeah, when you do your human design chart, it's really amazing.

It takes not only your genetic
makeup, but the things that you inherited from your parents,

but it also takes into account.
Out these really cool, little teeny tiny particles, that are called,

neutrinos that are like basically
floating around that are there. They're big enough,

they have mass so they can absorb
energy from things but they're

small enough that they can pass
through anything. And so, the

whole philosophy behind your human
design is that also when you were born,

your imprinted with energy from
all of the stuff that's going on outside,

like Planet wise and all that jazz.

So it takes astrology and just
Puts it together with all your...

...genetic stuff and it gives you
this really cool looking blueprint.

But then you can see like, positions
of where energy is are within...

...yourself and it's almost like
you're reading a book about...

...yourself and instead of it's
so cool.

So instead of being frustrated
with things that you do your then like, oh,

that's why I do that and then there's
always like a strategy

that you create because that instead
of so, like one of the things

that I do is when I get As your
group of people, I tend to interrupt...

...everyone because my brain is
going really fast and it used to just drive me crazy.

And I would be so hard on myself,
like, shut up, stop over talking people,

but then I realized that it's actually
one of my channels in my design. That makes me do that.

And so now that I'm aware of it.

It just makes it easier for me
to not do it because I'm not beating myself up over it.

But I also realized that some of
that is because other people at the table,

they have an energy channel that
that they aren't very vocal

and so their energy actually can
connect with you and they're

in a way using you to voice their
thoughts. It's.


I'm gonna have to get one done.
It's crazy amazing, but understand your kids, your spouse.

Like you understand why people
do what they're doing.

Instead of being frustrated with
people. You're like, oh that's why you going. Yeah.

It's like blooms Clarity for everything.
Every aspect of your life. I love it. So Amy,

tell us where people Reach you
too, if they want to inquire about...

...this and other your other services
as well. Yeah, so the main...

...spot that's easiest to just
see all of my stuff is blocking motions.com.

That's my website and it has a
link to all of my other things.

So you can get to the soul centered
Academy, which is where all the forces are,

but it's got my Facebook pages.

I always go live on Mondays and
do okay. Well, yeah.

I always I always do free trainings
on Mondays because I just

I love to teach and I love to give
and I understand to you that

not everybody's in a financial
position to do like personal sessions.

So I'm always trying to just give
out as much information as I can. Oh, I'm amazing. Amazing. Amazing. Well, all Amy's information and everything. She's offering.

And she also has a special happening
will be in the description. Please continue to follow us. Be part of our journey.

We will follow you as well. Amy.

And thank you for those who tuned
in today, and.

yeah, don't forget.

We are game changers and disruptors.
So talk to you soon. 
Thank you Amy. 
So much for your time. 
We appreciate you. 
Thank you.